This collection is part of the DMS GOLD NFT MINTING. All NFTs in the collection offer the same facilities, access, and base minting prices. It is a lifetime collection for DMS e-Solution and links to 10% of the net profit of the company. Each NFT has a unique assigned number, allowing us to track it and organize special events such as drawings. You can purchase NFTs with numbers of your choice, giving your NFT a unique identity and potentially increasing its value among enthusiasts in the public market. Additionally, you can use our AI Portfolio Manager to calculate the benefits of this NFT over the next 5 years. Select “Long Term” for detailed information about the Gold NFT. Limited to 4,688 units.
This collection is part of the DMS SILVER NFT MINTING. It allows the holder to participate in DMS's short-term projects and provides $36 per NFT every six months. The NFT is refundable after the second airdrop, which occurs one year from the minting date. This NFT must be returned no later than two years after acquisition. You can use our AI Portfolio Manager to calculate your potential benefits. Select “Short Term” for guidance on Silver NFT calculations. Currently limited to 833 units.
Blue Dragon NFTs, known as BluePass NFTs, provide lifetime access to the platform. These NFTs are designed to combine ownership and landlord opportunities to rent, educational journeys, training programs, passive income, and full platform access.