Explore the limitless possibilities of DeFi NFTs with Blue Dragon - we're here to empower your digital strategy. Learn more about our services and community.

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Unlocking the Potential of Blockchain Integration

Blue Dragon specializes in integrating blockchain technology into businesses' financial and non-financial ecosystems, offering expertise to both individual investors and established companies. This integration includes opportunities in decentralized finance (DeFi) and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).

Get to Know Blue Dragon

Blue Dragon functions as an ecosystem and works as an agency. It provides blockchain implementation services for well-known companies and those who want to be part of these integration opportunities.

Consider Blue Dragon for:

DeFi Integration

Design and seamlessly integrate NFTs into decentralized finance using the speed, security and transparency of blockchain technology.

NFT Marketplace

Explore and trade unique digital assets securely on our dedicated community marketplace.

Consulting Services

Expert guidance to leverage NFTs for your personal portfolio or business expansion.

Innovative Solutions

Custom solutions tailored to maximize your NFT potential.


Robust web3 infrastructure, ensuring safe transactions and data protection.


Join a vibrant community of creators, collectors, and investors.

What’s different about us?

Our focus! That is, to integrate DeFi NFTs for well-established, revenue-generating companies that have a solid track record and are looking to expand their market share, rather than start-ups and crypto-related companies that have high failure rates and liquidity and management risks.

Our Community

Our Current Project: DMS e-Solution, Singapore

This collection belongs to DMS e-Solution, a company in Singapore that specializes in AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) Solutions. Get to know them and be a part of their steady growth.


The company pledges to distribute 10% of its annual profit to Gold NFT holders via airdrop. Each holder will receive two airdrops per year based on mint date. The total number of Gold NFTs available is limited to 4688. Detailed information can be found in the NFT whitepaper.


This NFT allows holders to fund ongoing and upcoming company projects. Each NFT represents 3 smart metering devices. Silver NFT holders receive twice-yearly airdrops, based on the mint date. Airdrops are released once the corresponding project is completed, typically within 6 months. The company pledges to share 15-20% of the profit from each project, depending on the project and timeline.

Our Partners

We collaborate with these brands:

  • Art Design
  • finight
  • better
  • DMS
  • Actpal
  • klicxcherry
  • corex
  • mft
  • health fit

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